
The More I Reach The Further I Feel

Maybe you fight, maybe you don't....

Maybe you just don't feel close and the more you try to reach for your partner the further you seem to feel.

You walk on egg shells trying not to start another fight. But it's inevitable. All you have to do is make one wrong move and a terrible argument ignites.

You can't even mention the smallest thing without everything spiraling down to reminders of years of failings.

Now you’re wondering how to fix things. What can be done for your relationship when it feels like you’ve tried everything?

Why You're Really Stuck And Unable To Heal After The Affair

Why You're Really Stuck And Unable To Heal After The Affair

Right now, if you’re reading this, you are looking for something, anything, to heal yourself…and maybe your marriage…from broken trust.  For most of you the trust was violated because of infidelity.  

You’ve tried what feels like everything.  Your inbox is likely flooded with tons of advice e-mails and sifting through that alone can feel like a stressful event all by itself.  

But this is all you need.  Right here.  You don’t need to look any further.  We take everything helpful that’s ever been published or thought of and we’ve condensed it to make it manageable and easy to follow.